Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Floral Glory Floored

The glory of the garden
Has fallen

Expanse of beauty, collapsed

A sheep's fleece of pink and peach
Trumpet fleshy flowers
Honey nectar

Sprawling on the floor
Dignity no more
Grovelling for help

How will I resurrect her?
Who will help restore her?
To her former realm of Majesty

She was the bee's honey-suckling paradise

Her Royal honey nectar collecting on their buzzing bodies
Carried on wing, to their honey-making hives
Honeyed glory from one Queen to another

We must keep our Honey Queens alive!


  1. We can save her my love!

  2. And then she was saved! We hoisted her back up to her former resplendance! Now all is well for the plants and the bees.

  3. This gave me goose-bumps! Beautiful.

  4. Thanks hon! I've just looked at your blog page - Morganmoon, it's so inspiring. I'm really looking forward to reading through some more of your posts and also checking out your other blog page. (I tried twice to leave you a comment after reading your most recent post and it didn't work so I'm hoping this will!) Anyway it was great to hear your writing voice! See you very soon, love Bec Xx
